Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

5 GB Penyimpanan Online Gratis di AVG LiveKive

AVG Technologies, penyedia produk keamanan PC ternama memperkenalkan solusi baru dengan peluncuran AVG LiveKive, yang menyediakan layanan storage berbasis cloud untuk solusi backup konten online Anda. Versi beta ini memiliki codenamed AirSpace, menyediakan 5 GB storage gratis, memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan sinkronisasi, akses, atau berbagi apapun-dimanapun berada.

Why LiveKive?
  • Stores your content off-site ensuring your data is always safe
  • Eliminates software, hard drives, DVDs, or USBs
  • Helps you find and recover files quickly
  • Automatically backs up all your digital valuables
  • Syncs data from multiple computers to one account
Benefits :
  • Automatically back up all your files, photos & music online
  • Sync multiple PCs to one account
  • Access all your digital valuables from anywhere in the world
  • Share files safely with family & friends

Compatibel dengan : Windows XP, Windows Vista, dan Windows 7.

Mengambil Layanan AVG LiveKive, Anda bisa mengunjungi :
  • AVG AirSpace 1 – Automatically back up all your digital valuables online with free UNLIMITED* storage for 6 months
  • AVG AirSpace 2 – Automatically back up all your files, photos, and music online with 5GB of FREE online storage for a year
Isi survey singkat dan formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan.

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