Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Zemana AntiLogger, Program Anti Keylogger - 1 Tahun Layanan Gratis

Jika Anda seringkali harus bertransaksi secara online, misalnya untuk keperluan belanja ataupun e-banking sudah saatnya Anda mulai respek terhadap serangan Keylogger, salah satu jenis program jahat yang bertugas merekam  semua tombol keyboard saat Anda tekan. Pencurian identitas, password, bahkan akun bank bisa saja terjadi kalau Anda tidak berhati-hati.

Beruntung Zemana AntiLogger memiliki cara untuk melindungi Anda dari berbagai hal yang merugikan akibat keylogger, SSL banker Trojan, spyware, dan banyak lagi. Zemana AntiLogger dirancang untuk kinerja program keamanan yang tinggi tetapi tidak memperlambat komputer. Selain itu, tak perlu lagi mengandalkan update signature virus seperti program – program antivirus kuno untuk mencegah serangan berbahaya.

Features Overview :
  • SSL Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!) 128-bit encryption reliably secures data during online shopping and high-value financial transactions. Unfortunately, a new generation of spyware grabs your data just before it becomes safely encrypted!
  • Key Logger protection: Keyloggers record whatever you type by monitoring the keyboard. This renders most security useless, but not Zemana AntiLogger!
  • Screen Logger protection: Just as you can take a screen capture, screenlogger malware snaps the screen at your most vulnerable moments, e.g., when you are plugging in sensitive data such as bank account information with VirtualKeyboard. Zemana Anti-Screen Logger spots this suspicious activity in ways that go beyond the standard, signature-based anti-logging algorithms.
  • Clipboard Logger protection: Copying, cutting and pasting sends potentially sensitive data to your Windows clipboard where malware can get at it. Fortunately, Zemana AntiLogger deals with all attempts at malicious monitoring, including memory capture.
  • Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!) Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.
  • System Defense: Malware likes to get at your registry, your physical memory (RAM), and other sensitive areas so it can inject malicious code and seize control of your PC. Zemana AntiLogger guards against all this, securing the very heart of your machine.
Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7

Zemana Ltd. biasanya memberikan harga sejumlah $11.75 jika berminat membeli satu lisensi aslinya. Tetapi sekarang, sebagai bagian dari promosi yang di lakukan, Anda boleh mengambilnya bebas tanpa harus membelinya. Kunjungi halaman penawaran gratis dari CHIP berikut untuk mengambil lisensinya gratis untuk satu tahun.

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